Work with me

Things that I offer include:

 Free discovery call 
1:1 Single Consultation
1:1 packages 


3 Consultations

1 x initial consultation

2 x follow-up consultations

Unlimited email and messaging during work hours

Tailored supplement plan


8 Consultations

1 x initial consultation

7 x follow-up consultations

Unlimited email and messaging during work hours

2 x 7-day meal plan

Tailored supplement plan

For more information

6 Consultations

1 x initial consultation

5 x follow-up consultations

Unlimited email and messaging during work hours

7-day meal plan

Tailored supplement plan

For more information

My paramount goal is sustainable health!

I ultimately designed these packages to help you work through your health goals and as a way for you to support yourself, providing accountability and empowering you.